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WWWitter: See What Tweeples Are Tweeting About The Sites You Visit

WWWitter Twitter App

WWWitter Twitter App

, launched just a week ago, is a neat little bookmarklet that lets you find out what other people on Twitter are saying about any website you visit (assuming they’ve said tweeted about it).

The app sports a clean but unusually large UI that we found to be a tad annoying. It takes us entirely too much browser space. Nevertheless, wwwitter does what it says it’s there to do, but pushes a weak delivery. Tweets have to contain the entire url of the site or page you wish to know more about. So any tweets using URL shorteners were excluded from results. That’s an awful lot of tweets!

UPDATE: Thanks to a Whitefox in the comments section, we now know that wwwitter tracks tinyurl and is.gd links along with the entire url of a blog or page. They’ll be adding more URL shorteners to the list in the future.

wwwitter everythingtwitter.com

wwwitter everythingtwitter.com

Thankfully for us our url is short enough for you to tweet the entire link as noted in the screenshot above. We really appreciate your support and excitement about the twitter apps we review here at EverythingTwitter. If you have any tips on new twitter apps floating around send them on over to us on Twitter ( ) or email us at everythingtwitter/gmail. Enjoy!

About Corvida

Founder of SheGeeks.net, Co-founder of TheSocialGeeks Podcast, EverythingTwitter.com, and a noted Influential Woman in Technology (FastCompany 09), I like telling people what really matters in technology and social media. SheGeeks.net is a where I share my findings, experiences, and beliefs about technology for others to learn from.


2 thoughts on “WWWitter: See What Tweeples Are Tweeting About The Sites You Visit

  1. Thanks for the update on that.

    Posted by shegeeks | March 1, 2009, 7:03 pm
  2. I just tried out wwwitter on a few sites and found that it comes back with both tinyurl and is.gd links in tweets as well as whole URLs.

    Posted by Whitefox | March 1, 2009, 2:48 pm
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