Fllwrs provides you with a record of who follows and unfollows you each day on Twitter. Have you ever wondered why your count goes up and down, even with the emails you get from Twitter (or the awesome Topify) showing who follows you?
Logging into the simple page takes you to oAuth page where I ended up highly disappointed:
We apologize, but it appears you have too many followers to use this service at this time.
Please come back again in the future when we expand the service to highly followed users.
So I logged in via one of the EverythingTwitter smaller test accounts only spammers seem to have found. You then receive three checkboxes of settings:
Now I would like the service to check and maybe let me know time of day and after what tweet they left. It helps give an indication as to what content might drive people away from your stream. I do not want a broadcast list of shame going out to my other followers.
I did see a tiny link in the upper right for settings. Clicking that simply rechecked all of the boxes instead of providing more choices. I logged out.
I visited their Twitter page ( note the underscore for _fllwrs since the other was taken.). They have over 34k followers showing people probably used the service and left the box checked.
While I think having a service showing times of unfollowing, having it tweet them out would not be a good choice.